Café Church
9:15 am on the 3rd Sunday of the month
Café Church is a monthly worship at 9:15am gathering of fun, interactive worship for all. It is a space where you can come as you are, come and be all that God has created you to be.
The worship is created to be inclusive and informal as we worship God through interactive songs, bible telling, teaching and prayer. All interaction is offered by invitation, you chose how much or little you wish get involved.
Learning is lifelong, and this is no different when it comes to our faith, so a big part of our worship is teaching, and we recognise that we all learn in different ways. At Café Church there is no sermon, instead we offer a space to explore in a style that fits you best as a learner. At each gathering we will offer four ways to engage, these fit within the following learning styles:
Questions to think about alone or with others on your table will be offered for discussion and reflection.
An activity to write or draw will be offered. Questions may be offered alongside this to guide the activity.
For those of us who find physical activity important for our learning, there will always be something to explore through movement.
Every session will have a creative response, these will most be led from the front with all items supplied on your tables.
In our worship we are working our way through the bible looking at some of the key people God has called to be part of the
Big Family of God.
The most exciting part about this is that it is a family that God is inviting each one us to part of too!

Café Church
Café Church is a monthly café style gathering of fun, interactive
worship for all .
Come and hear how much God loves us as we share pudding, songs and bible stories, with an invitation to explore deeper through interactive responses.